What is the registration process for new players?
Each new player must fill out and submit a registration form by the deadline prior to each season.
New players are assigned to teams on a first come, first serve basis.
Please note player assignments will depend on team availability, open spots on current/existing teams, as well as the number of Volunteer Coaches available.
Once a player has been assigned and confirmed a spot on a team, the registration fee will be collected via email invoice (credit card), Venmo, or cash/check at the first game of the season.
How long does each season run?
Each season is typically 8 weeks, with 1 bye week, unless noted on registration flyers & forms.
Please note holidays may affect game schedules.
How do I determine what age group my child can play in?
The age cut off is January 1st; the age they are on January 1st of the current year is the division they can play in for the whole year.
However, players are able to move up an age division if their coach and parent thinks they are ready to.
What team will my child be on?
Teams are made by age division and district. Once we have volunteer coaches, teams will start to form.
If there is no coach or enough players for your age division and district, we will try to find you an available team close to your district.
We also highly encourage parents to consider becoming a Volunteer Coach for our teams! You can complete an application form here.
When is each game scheduled for?
Game schedules are posted weekly, and can be found here.
Please note the locations may change weekly, so please make sure to check the dates of the schedule posted.
You can also sign up to our email subscribers list to receive weekly emails containing game schedules and league updates.